Ask the Sourcing Squad: Where to Find Great Sourcing Advice

Over the past few months, our Sourcing Squad has shared one meaningful insight after the other. After a brief hiatus – spurred by an overload of remarkable content from our Talent Innovation Summit speakers – we’re excited to return this week with even more tips from our team of experts.

Still, this is our second to last post. So what happens the series ends? Where should you go for even more sourcing strategies? Those are the thoughts that spurred this week’s question: ‘What’s the best resource (online or other) for additional sourcing advice?’. When we asked our Sourcing Squad, here’s what they shared.

Stacy Donovan Zapar, Founder, Tenfold

I can’t pick just one…My favorite sourcing blogs are SourceCon, LinkedIn Talent Blog, Glen Cathey’s Boolean Blackbelt blog and Irina Shamaeva’s Boolean Strings blog. I also find a TON of value in my two favorite Facebook groups: Secret Sourcing Group and the SourceCon group. So much knowledge sharing, crowdsourcing and interesting conversations shared there!

Lou Adler, CEO and Founder at the Adler Group

It seems inappropriate to answer a question like this with a plug for my training courses and new online platform. However, in this case I must. Sourcing is easy. Recruiting is hard. Getting hundreds of candidates into the funnel, and hoping a few make it out at the end seems like wasted effort to me. I’d rather find a few great people who would see the job as a career move and then recruit the heck out of them.

In this case, 10-15 direct sourced candidates who are high achievers and have been selected because they would instantly see the job as a career move (e.g., managers who would be interested in director roles) is more than enough to yield 5-6 highly qualified people to present to the hiring manager. Add 5-6 highly referred candidates into the mix, and you’ll be done. Finding these types of candidates and recruiting them takes training. And as far as I’m concerned, Performance-based Hiring is the right training.

Stan Rolfe, CEO, Nect Inc.

I actually spend more time in Facebook Groups such as HR Open Source, SourceCon, and Secret Sourcing Group where the community is far more engaged and willing to share. I spend less time on LinkedIn. Recruiting Daily and the various events like Australian Talent Conference, #Tru, Meetups, SOSU are all great places to network and learn.

Amy Cherette, Technical Recruiter, Lever

In my biased opinion, It is Lever. There is no other ATS out there that has a built in sourcing tool that integrates with EVERYTHING. Use Lever to ramp up your sourcing success.

Jeremy Langhans, Co-founder & Principal Growth Hacker, Paired Sourcing, LLC

Sourcing 7 is great, especially if you’re in the Northwest. It’s a special interest community in Seattle within the NWRA (Northwest Recruiters Association) that hosts meetups and focuses on how to best source and engage talent. You can also learn more at the Sourcing Roundtables at the Talent 42 conference.

Chris Long, Program Resource Manager, NSW

There are a hive of online sites where people can share their skills and expertise, like Quora, GitHub, Stack Overflow, Facebook Groups, Twitter and Instagram. But going old school is way overlooked. Actually meeting and networking with like minded people at conferences, events and meetups is overlooked. The latter – meetups – are my favorite, and I’ve actually just started one of my own called #SydRecMeetup.

To learn more from our Sourcing Squad, dig into our blog posts from several weeks’ past – on topics such as how to measure your sourcing success, and the most rewarding places to source great talent.

Further reading